Fire Insurance is governed by All India Fire Tariff
Product Details
- The Standard Fire and Special Perils (SFSP) Insurance also called as Fire and Allied Perils Insurance can cover all properties on land (excluding cost of land), at various locations against named perils.
- Building, Plant & Machinery, Stocks…etc can be covered under this policy
- Long Term Policies are available for Dwellings (Residence)
- Policy can be extended to cover certain additional Perils(Cause of loss) and expenses at additional premium.
- Who can take this Policy?
- Any Person, Company, Institution who may suffer financial loss in the event of operation of insurable perils may insure such property under the fire policy. They may be broadly categorised as under :
- Owners of Building and Contents (Tenant can also Insure the Building if they have Insurable Interest through the lease agreement)
- Shop Keepers
- Godown Keepers / Warehouse
- Industrial and Manufacturing units
- Educational Institutions
- Hotels, Boarding and Lodgings, Hospitals, Clinics
- Stocks – Raw material , Semi finished goods, Finished goods, Packing materials
- Trusts, Charitable Institutions.
- Transporters and C & F Agents.
Properties which can be covered are broadly categorized as follows:
- Building (Plinth and foundations also can be coved if required)
- Compound Walls and Gates
- Plant & Machinery, Equipment's & Accessories (including foundations, if required)
- Stocks (All types and kinds pertaining to Insured line of activity)
- Other Contents such as:
- Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings
- Cables, Pipings
- Spares, Tools and Stores
- Household goods… etc
Types of policies available under this category:
- Stocks can be covered under Floater or Declaration basis
What are the perils (Cause of Loss) covered under Material Damage policy:
- Perils Covered:
- Fire
- Lightning
- Explosion / Implosion
- Aircraft damage
- Riot, Strike, Malicious damage (RSMD)
- Storm, Tempest, Flood, Inundation (STFI) Hurricane, Cyclone, Typhoon and Tornado.
- Impact by any Rail/ Road vehicle or animal
- Subsidence / Landslide including rockslide.
- Bursting and / or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus.
- Leakage form Automatic Sprinkler Installation.
Add on covers (Perils which can be covered by paying extra premium)
- Add on covers
- Earthquake (Fire and Shock)
- Terrorism
- Deterioration of Stocks in Cold Storage premises due to power failure following damage due to an Insured peril
- Forest Fire
- Impact Damage due to Insured's own Vehicles, Fork lifts and the like and articles dropped therefrom
- Spontaneous Combustion
- Omission to insure additions, alterations or extensions
- Spoilage material damage cover
- Leakage and contamination cover
- Temporary removal of stocks.
- Architects, Surveyors and Consulting Engineer's Fees (in excess of 3% claim amount) expenses
- Debris Removal (in excess of 1% of claim amount) expenses
- Loss of rent
- Insurance of additional expenses of rent for alternative accommodation.
- Start up Expenses.
What are the main Exclusions?
- Exclusions Applicable:
- Losses/ Expenses not covered:
- Policy excess / deductable
- Expenses incurred on Architects, Surveyors' Consultant Engineers fees and Debris Removal in excess of 3% and 1% of claim amount respectively.
- Loss of earnings, loss by delay, loss of market or other consequential or indirect loss or damage of any kind.
- Perils not covered:
- War and allied perils.
- Ionising radiations and contamination by radioactivity.
- Pollution or Contamination.
- Depreciation (If any) , Salvage (If any) ,Under Insurance (If any) , Excess are generally deducted from the claim amount (This rule applies for all Insurance Companies).
- Please ready the policy Terms and conditions for complete list
Types of discounts on premium available under this category
- Premium depends upon occupancy of the risk as per IIB rates
Basis of Sum Insured- Recommendations & Samples
To avoid under insurance deduction during a claim we strongly recommend that the Sum Insured indicates as follows:
Building, Furniture fixtures and fittings : Reinstatement value basis (i.e New for Old)
Plant ,Machinery, Equipment’s, Air Conditioners & Stabilizers, Generators, Transformer and accessories: New replacement value basis
Stocks : Market Value Basis
Under Insurance formula % = Sum Insured / New replacement value X100
Note: Depreciation is Not applicable if Sum Insured indicates reinstatement value
Sample of Market Value Settlement
Replacement value at the time of Loss 1,50,00,000Less Depreciation say 20% 30,00,000Value at Risk 1,20,00,000Sum Insured under the policy 75,00,000Cost of repairs & replacements 10,00,000LESS: Depreciation 20% 2,00,000Less: Salvage 25000Loss Assessed 7,75,000Under Insurance 37.5% 2,90,625Claim payable 4,84,375Policy Excess 10000NET CLAIM PAYABLE 4,84,375Sample of Reinstatement Value Settlement
Replacement Value at the time of reinstatement completion 1,50,00,000Sum Insured under the policy 1,50,00,000NO UNDER INSURANCE 0Cost of repairs & Replacements 10,00,000Less: Salvage 25,000Less: Policy Excess 10,000NET CLAIM PAYABLE 9,65,000Sample of any other Sum Insured chosen by the customer
Replacement value at the time of reinstatement completion 1,50,00,000Sum Insured under the policy 1,25,00,000Under Insurance by 25,00,000% of Under Insurance 16.67%Cost of Repairs & Replacements 10,00,000Less : Salvage 25,000Loss Assessed 9,75,000Less : Under Insurance 16.67% 1,62,533Loss after Under Insurance 8,12,467Less: Policy Excess 10,000NET CLAIM PAYABLE 8,02,467Sample Settlement of Claim in respect of Stocks
Market Value at the time of Loss 1,00,00,000Sum Insured under the policy 75,00,000Under Insurance by 25,00,000 i.e. 25%Claim assessed 10,00,000Less: Salvage 25,000Loss after deducting Salvage 9,75,000Less: Under Insurance 25% 2,43,750Loss payable after applying under insurance 7,31,250Less: Policy Excess 10,000NET CLAIM PAYABLE 7,21,250
Excess and other deductibles during claim
- For Fire :
- For Sum Insured upto INR 10 Crores : 5% of the claim amount subject to a minimum of Rs.10,000/- for each and every claim
- For Sum Insured more than INR 10 Crores to INR 100 Crores : 5% of the claim amount subject to a minimum of Rs. 25,000/- for each and every claim
- For Sum Insured more than INR 100 Crores to INR 1500 Crores : 5% of the claim amount subject to a minimum of Rs.500,000/- for each and every claim
- For Claims under Terrorism (applicable only if terrorism is covered)
Other relevant information
- Fire Policy is an annual policy, generally, renewable each year.
- Long Term policy (for a minimum period of three years) can be considered by Insurer for covering “dwellings” only.
- Location of Risk:
- The proposer shall describe all locations where the properties are built or installed or stored or kept at the inception
- Any change of location of risk shall be sent to the Insurance Company in writting and endorsement needs to be obtained
- Change of ownership in the insured property shall be intimated to the Insurance company
- Any material change in the location of risk, trade or manufacturing activities shall be intimated to the insurer so that the changes are endorsed.
- The proposer can opt to seek Add on cover in respect of the following perils/ expenses at inception or during renewal of the policy on payment of additional premium:
- Note: The add on mentioned herein is only the standard and indicative covers available in the market
- Note: The add on covers are optional and the relevant cover related to client’s risk alone needs to be opted