This policy covers goods, freight and other interests against loss or damage to goods whilst being transported by rail, road, sea and/or air.
- Different policies are available depending on the type of coverage required ranging from an ALL RISK cover to a restricted FIRE RISK ONLY cover.
- This policy is freely assignable and is basically an agreed value policy.
- The coverage would be in concurrence with INCO terms. http://www.panlloyd.com/incoterms.htm
Transportation of goods can be broadly classified into three categories:
- Inland Transport
- Import
- Export
Types of policies available under this category
- 1)Specific Voyage: In Marine Insurance specific policies are issued to cover a specific single transit. Cover ends as soon as arrival of cargo at destination.
- 2)Open Policy: It is an Annual Cargo Insurance Contract expressed in general terms and effected for a round sum sufficient to cover a number of dispatches until the sum insured is exhausted by declarations. The Open Policy, also known as the Floating Policy, saves the assured the inconvenience of affecting individually the insurance of goods dispatched within the country. The policy may cover both incoming and outgoing consignments from anywhere in India to anywhere in India. The sum insured under the policy should ordinarily represent the assured's estimated annual turnover of the goods.
- 3)Open Cover: An open cover is an agreement (not a policy) whereby the insurer will accept insurance of all shipments made by the assured, within the terms of the cover for a fixed period, usually for 12 months. Being an agreement, it is not stamped. However, stamped policies or certificates of insurance are issued against the declaration made by the assured. The open cover is of great convenience to the clients engaged in regular import/export trade.
- 4)Annual Turn Over Policy: ATOP by agreement covers transit of raw material, semi finished & finished products pertains to insured's trade i.e. Export, Import, Inter Depot movement incidental storage from originating point to destination point on seamless basis. Key features of ATOP are:-
- Sizable saving in premium, which is charged only on your sales turnover.
- Seamless cover with all movement of goods automatically covered.
- No hassles of submitting periodical declaration of movements to the insurer. Only monthly/Quarterly sales figures need to be submitted.
- Facility for payment of premium on half-yearly / quarterly basis.
- 5)Annual Policy: Annual policy is granted in respect of goods belonging to the Assured and or held in trust by the assured and not under contract of sale and or purchase which are in transit by road or rail from specified depots /processing units to other specified depots /processing units. Important features of Annual Policy are-
- Insurable interest to remain with insured
- Policy not assignable or transferable
- Issue of Annual policy to transport operators/contractors, clearing and forwarding agents
- Prohibited Policy is subject to the condition of average
What are the perils (Cause of Loss) covered
- All Risks (Except the once which are excluded)
What perils can be covered by paying extra premium
- Inland transit policies can be extended to cover the following perils on payment of additional premium:
- SRCC – Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion, Loading and Unloading Risks, Storage risks
- FOB – Where the inland transit is required to be extended to cover the goods till they are loaded on board the vessel, this extension can be taken.
- Export /Import policies can be extended to cover War and /or SRCC perils on payment of an additional premium.
- Under Export & Import: War Risk & Sellers contingency also can be covered.
What are the main Exclusions?
- Information not available
Types of discounts on premium available under this category
- Depends up on the type of Cargo, claims experience, Sum Insured, Packing, Mode of transport…etc
Basis of Sum Insured- Recommendations
- Agreed Value basis (Invoice + 10% incidental expenses + Freight + Duties…etc)
Excess and other deductibles during claim
- Will be informed while furnishing the quote
Claims procedure
- Information not available
Other relevant information
- Information not available
Premium calculator
- Information not available
- Form Downloads
- 1) Prospectus
- 2) Premium Rating chart
- 3) Proposal Form
- 4) Claim Form
- 5) Policy wordings